Activities after Lasik eye surgery poses a lot of thinking. We are often asked how long after laser vision correction certain activities should be avoided. Please speak with one of the counselors if there is any activity that applies to you which is not listed below.
*You must avoid bacteria present in water so NO jacuzzi, sauna, or swimming in pools or the ocean for 2 weeks. Showering is fine, just keep your eyes closed!
Working out: It is fine to go to the gym to workout the day after the procedure but try to avoid excessive sweat in the eyes or rubbing the eyes for one week. A headband is recommended the first week to decrease getting sweat in the eyes.
Please put the antibiotic drop after you workout.
Beauty Treatments after Lasik eye surgery Eye Makeup 3 Days Eyebrow Threading 1 Month Eyelash Tinting 1 Month Eyelash Extensions 1 Month Facials 1 Month Hair Coloring 1 Month Permanent Makeup 1 Month Latisse 1 Month |
Sports Activities after Lasik eye surgery:
Aerobics Next Day
Basketball 1 Week
Bicycling (Indoor) Next Day
Bicycling (Outdoor) 1 Week
Running/Jogging Next Day
Scuba Diving 1 Week
Skiing 1 Week
Skydiving 1 Week
Surfing 2 Weeks
Swimming 2 Weeks
Weightlifting Next Day
Working out (light) Next Day
Hot Yoga 1 Week
Regular Yoga Next Day
Locations: Beverly Hills, Westlake Village, Inglewood, Sherman Oaks, Oxnard, Moorpark